The Home Team

The Home Team

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Journey with us each Sunday at 10:30 AM as we look at God’s game plan for the Family in our new sermon series “The Home Team”

The Christian family is a God designed team. As we face challenges together, this cohesive team must not allow to weaken our union. As children are added, Mom and Dad play their unique and essential roles to strengthen the expanding team. The family must close ranks on opponents to God’s design, tackle obstacles, and fortify the bonds in their huddle. In the unity and synergy of teamwork each player is uniquely positioned to advance the team’s objective.  The goal is to give God glory, and enjoy the blessings and joy that come with obedience. 

—Adapted from Home Team by Clint Archer



May 17th – The Huddle

The huddle puts everyone on the same page and helps coaches and players communicate to the entire team quickly. It’s hard to be successful for a prolonged period of time without meeting together as a team; this is why the huddle is so important. A huddle can take place during a family meal, a gathering before bed, during a family night at home or over the phone if loved ones are separated by distance – but regular meetings are the key. No matter how busy life gets, never forget to huddle. It’s the most important key for family formation.

home_team_huddleMay 24th – Rivals

Rivalries between warring factions have existed for millennia and are put on display in every modern sport that we watch, but there is a rivalry for the ages that targets our Christian homes. Every time we move forward as faithful parents or care for our kids, we are wrestling demons. As parents, our perspectives must change and see the reality of this warfare.   We need clarity about our true rivals and strategies for real victory in our homes.

home_team_basicsMay 31st – The Basics

Sometimes, we need to get back to the basics. You can have an awesome stadium, sweet uniforms and athletic players; however, if you can’t pass, dribble, execute a lay-up, it’s going to be a long season. According to the Bible, there are certain basics that need to be in place for our marriages to thrive and to parent Godly children. The basics always start with Scripture. Come find out the basics for your home.

home_team_teensJune 7th – The Farm System: Teens

You can have a great home team by developing your farm system.   But before the bright lights, there must be a commitment to developing great team players in an instructional league.   Our teens move from tee-ball, past coach pitch, and into a game where they are taking pitches that we can no longer control. As parents we must continue to encourage and develop our teens to play the game with integrity, character, and perseverance, praying that the basics we instilled in them help them succeed.

home_team_kidsJune 14th -The Farm System: Kids

Raising kids can be tough. As they move past tee-ball they have learned how to connect their pint-sized bats with stationary targets. As they graduate to coach pitch, make sure to throw them pitches they can hit. Help correct them when they miss the ball. Remember, you’re the coach; don’t throw your child a fast ball.

home_team_coachJune 21st – The Head Coach

As the head coach, we are not called to political correctness, but to biblical living. The head of the home is the leader of the house, draws up the plays, and sets the rules for the team. Being the head coach obligates us to lead our home towards Christ. Join us as we learn about the importance of being the head coach, and leading your team towards Christ.

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Here is where the text will go.

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