On The Move Overview
We are excited about the renovations at our new church home in Southlake. We have prayed, planned, negotiated, and worked hard to transform our new building to be effective for ministry and worship into Southlake Baptist Church’s future.
As most of you know, our elders have been working behind the scenes for several years to discern a permanent home for our Southlake Baptist Church family. The buildings we are currently in are leased from the Carroll Independent School District, and our lease is scheduled to end in early 2023.
Our new home is located at 2501 W. Southlake Blvd
The New Church Campus:
Next Steps:
- Exterior updates
- Curb appeal – New paint, landscaping, and signage
- Parking lot – Leveling and repaving areas to comply with city requirements for ADA parking
- Interior updates
- Lobby – Opening it up to allow for more space to connect with each other and updating the bathrooms
- Worship Center – Update the appearance with new chairs, carpet, and paint
- Kidz Wing – Updating classrooms with new carpet, paint, and wall decorations throughout, creating a fun check in space and enhancing security
- Student and Adult Wing – Updating classrooms with new carpet, paint, and decor throughout, opening up area for kitchen and serving areas for fellowship events
Updated Renderings:
- We are adding crosses, adding windows on the front of the existing building to allow more natural light, adding some stone work to beautify and give texture, and updating the color scheme.

- There are extensive changes on the main floor plan, including a new expanded lobby highlighted in orange, updated restrooms and an added corridor from the entrance (NW corner of main building) that leads to the elevator, Kidz Wing, and Bible study areas highlighted in blue. Along with the green highlighted area which includes the new greeting and play area for kids along with the secure doors to the Kidz wing.

- The new look downstairs will include a fantastic kitchen area, and we are also removing some walls to open the floorplan for a large gathering area. This is shown in the orange shaded area and will serve to host events and accommodate larger gatherings.

Questions and Answers:
- Is there a lease cancellation penalty for our current lease?
Yes. Once we notify the schools district of our intent to cancel, we will have to pay for 12 months of payments. However, we see this as a benefit. This allows us a significant period to transition to the new property.
- How does the Worship Center at the Hills Church compare to our current Worship Center?
It is about twice as big with great sound and lighting equipment.
- When exactly is the move happening?
A definitive date is still TBD but we hope to be in by Christmas this year. - What is happening to Mom’s Day Out and the After School Program?
Mom’s Day Out will make a simple transfer to the New Campus no later that January 2023.
The After School Program will complete the 2021-22 school year in our current gymnasium and then close officially. - Many more questions will be addressed in the months to come.
“My family wants to give!”
GO HERE and select ‘OnTheMove – Building Fund’ from the drop down menu.
Why make this move?
It is Sensible
- The property is ideal for future ministries of the church.
- The size is much more compatible with our current ministries. We currently have a large footprint, and it has a high maintenance cost with a sharp increase of air conditioning maintenance expected in the near future.
- Our current upkeep and improvement expenses are improving someone else’s property. Whereas, ownership means all investments directly appreciate church property.
- We have time to transition well based on our current lease and building status.
- Financial readiness. We have saved a significant amount of money for THIS building fund.
It creates a Sacred space.
- Our current building somewhat limits how surrounding people perceive our ministry. It looks and feels like a fixed up old school (which it is). That creates a disconnect for some that we are, in fact, a church.
- The new site is awesome including: nearly 400 seat capacity for worship, the beauty and elevation of the campus (It is one one of the highest points in the city).
- With almost 300 parking spaces, we have so much room to impact our city and community with Gospel centered worship experiences and events.
It establishes a Safe place.
- For older adults: right now our seniors struggle with building navigation from parking to steep stairs to long walks throughout the current campus.
- There is an elevator for navigating floors.
- For children: it moves our Kidz ministry closer to adults and our worship gathering, making security more practical and manageable. There will also be a nursing mothers room near the Worship Center.
- For church stability: safety of ownership.