The A Praying Life Seminar explores Jesus’ simple yet powerful teachings on prayer to help badly praying Christians—that’s 99% of us—discover the joy of prayer. We practice becoming child-like, patterning our prayers after Jesus’ own teaching and prayers, using practical prayer tools. Most importantly, we make lots of time to pray and practice what we’re learning. If you’ve ever struggled with or felt defeated during prayer, this seminar is for you!
Dinner will start at 5:30pm on Friday night with the seminar beginning at 6:15pm and ending around 9:00pm. It will continue Saturday morning with a short breakfast around 8:15am with the seminar commencing at 8:30am and running through 12:30pm.
Childcare for 4th grade and younger is available both days. 5th graders and up are all encouraged to attend as participants. Please register all participants as well as children who will need childcare.