If you are a first time guest or visitor, welcome! Feel free to checkout our welcome page to help you prepare for your time with us.
Service details
Good Friday: March 29th @ 6:00 pm
We have nursery available in our Children’s Wing for children 3yrs and younger
Everyone else is welcome to join us in the Worship Center at 6:00pm

Scavenger Hunt: March 30th @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Take a journey through the Easter story with your children as they explore the campus and collect prizes along the way. There will be crafts, face painting, games, bounce houses, a photo booth, and an exciting and interactive bible story time that connects those prizes with Jesus.
There are also separate egg hunts for children of different ages, with the preschool group (ages 1-4yrs) and the elementary group (Kinder – 4th grade)

Easter: March 31st @ 8:45 am or 10:30am
We have two services Easter services, each running about an hour and 15 minutes in length. We will sing praises, study God’s word, and pray together throughout this special Sunday where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
For families with children, your kids are welcome to stay with you in the main service although we do have a special Kids Worship where we have a more interactive service with worship songs, games, and a Bible story for kids Kinder – 5th grade. For children 5 or younger, they have their own special activities in the nursey and preschool worship.
There will also be a photo booth available before and after the services so you can capture a family photo!