Disciple Now ’24 – M3 Weekend

Disciple Now ’24 – M3 Weekend

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What is DNOW ’24?   It is a weekend retreat for our 7th-12th grade Students, designed to get us away from all the “stuff” and encounter our God! 

We will attend M3 WEEKEND at Cross City Church for an incredible experience in worship, bible study, breakouts and a huge block party with food trucks!!  Friday and Saturday night we will stay in HOST HOMES.  Sunday we will return to bible study and worship back at SBC!

Schedule and Information

Friday, Jan 12
5:00 pm   Meet at SBC (eat before you arrive, or can eat on vans)
5:15 pm    Leave for Cross City Church
6:30 pm   M3 Weekend Session ONE
9:00 pm   Head to Host Homes
Midnight   Lights Out

Saturday, Jan 13
8:30am    Doors Open, Breakfast provided (grab and go breakfast)
9:00am    Main Session TWO
10:30am   Breakout Session ONE
11:45am   Lunch – Food Trucks (included)
1:00pm    Breakout Sessions TWO
2:00pm   Main Session THREE
3:30pm   Block Party
4:45pm   Send off Rally (a different kind of send off)
5:00pm   Dismiss to host homes
6:00pm   Dinner together
7:00pm  Host Home Wrap-up

Sunday, Jan 14
7:30am Wake Up and Clean Up
9:00 Head to SBC
9:30 Breakfast and testimonies (Bible Study)
10:30 Worship at SBC
Noon head home

What to Bring:
Clothes for Saturday (tennis shoes for recreation)
Clothes for Church on Sunday
Sleeping bag, or bedding, and pillow (sleeping on floors)
Toiletries with a Towel

Cost: $50