Blog (Page 8)

Blog (Page 8)

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, October 31, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Romans 3:23-24 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:Who is in control of everything?God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth. Nothing is outside of God’s good plan. CHRIST CONNECTION:Melchizedek means “king of righteousness.” Melchizedek reminds us of Jesus, an even greater priest and king who…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, October 24, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Romans 3:23-24 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What does it mean to sin? To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands. CHRIST CONNECTION:God promised to bless all the world through Abraham. God sent Jesus from His home in heaven to be born on earth into Abraham’s family.…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, October 17, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Romans 3:23-24 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What does it mean to sin? To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands. CHRIST CONNECTION:People wanted glory for themselves instead of God. They ignored God’s plan, so God confused their language and scattered them all over the…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, October 10, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Romans 3:23-24 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What does it mean to sin? To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands. CHRIST CONNECTION:God rescued Noah and his family from the flood. The story of Noah points ahead to a greater rescue. God’s Son, Jesus – the only…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, October 3, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Romans 3:23-24 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What does it mean to sin? To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands. CHRIST CONNECTION:Adam and Eve’s sin and its consequences spread to all of their descendants. But God did not forget His promise to send a Rescuer. At just the right…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, September 26, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Psalm 139:13-14 BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What does it mean to sin? To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands. CHRIST CONNECTION:Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, all people have been born as sinners. Sin separates us from God, but God still loves us. God promised a Rescuer…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, September 19, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Psalm 139:13-14 BIG PICTURE QUESTION:Why did God create everything? God created everything for His glory and our good. CHRIST CONNECTION:All of creation displays the glory of God-how great He is-although not perfectly. The perfect revelation of God’s glory is found in Jesus, who came to show us exactly what…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, September 12, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Psalm 139:13-14 BIG PICTURE QUESTION:Why did God create everything? God created everything for His glory and our good. CHRIST CONNECTION:God created people in His own image and provides for everything He made. People are special becauseGod made people to live forever in a relationship with Him. Through His Son,…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, September 5, 2021 Bible Study Lesson Key Passage:Psalm 139:13-14 BIG PICTURE QUESTION:Why did God create everything? God created everything for His glory and our good. CHRIST CONNECTION:Jesus is Lord over all of creation. The Son has always existed. The Bible says everything was created by Him and for Him, and He holds everything together. All of creation exists…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Jesus Will Return Bible Passage: Revelation 19-22Story Point: Jesus will return, destroy evil, and make all things new.Key Passage: Romans 15:13 esvBig Picture Question: What is the hope of the church? The church looks forward to Jesus’ return when He will make all things new. Watch the Bible Story Kid’s Activity Sheet Family Connection NEXT Sunday “God…