Illuminate Parent and Student Conference

Illuminate Parent and Student Conference

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On Saturday, September 7th, we are heading to Frisco, TX to attend a one-day conference called Illuminate.  This is a conference for parents of kids and students, as well as for students themselves!  It is an equipping conference designed to speak to parents and teens on the relevant issues that we are facing today.  There will be authors, podcastors and other speakers in general sessions, along with a variety of breakout sessions that will speak to parents and to teens individually.  These topics will include: “How God’s Word helps our kids mature”, “Following Jesus in a social media world”, “Unchanging truth in an ever-changing culture”, “Why isn’t my discipline working”, “A biblical view of gender”, “Where is God?” as well some others.

You might be able to see, the overall focus of this year’s conference is the power of God’s Word in facing these issues.  Here is quote from their website:

“Most Christians cannot articulate what it really means that God’s Word is authoritative or why anyone who is skeptical or suspicious should think the Bible is an authority. So now is the time to rebuild our knowledge of Scripture for ourselves and for the next generation. We must understand how God’s truth addresses our deepest needs. And then we must show how His Word brings help, healing and hope. We must show how Scripture will light the path forward.”

If you are a parent of kids, a parent of teenagers, a teacher or leader, or a student from 5th – 12th grade…Sign up today!! 

This promises to be a blessing to all that attend! So much so, that Southlake Baptist is ready to cover the majority of the cost of all attending this conference! Your Cost will only be $10 person to attendee

The conference is from 9am – 5pm.  You can either meet us there, or we will take church vans and meet at SBC at 8am and then return at 6pm. If you wish to ride in the church vans with us, please select that box in the registration.

Click HERE for a video highlighting what others have experienced at this conference.