Ron Holland

Ron Holland

Ron grew up in a small west Texas town and while attending Vacation Bible School one summer, he accepted Jesus as his Savior. Ron was very involved in church “youth group” activities throughout his middle and high school years. Ron went on to Texas State where he played football and where he also met his future wife, Jan Oliphant Holland. In 1975 Ron graduated and went on to teach as well as coach 3 sports at Fredericksburg high school. During that same year, there were two assassination attempts on President Gerald Ford. Ron then became very interested in the Secret Service and was eventually hired as a Special Agent, where he spent almost 39 years working for the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Justice.

Throughout his career, Ron moved many times. At each location, Ron and Jan were active in their church, teaching Sunday school, serving on committees, singing in the choir, and leading worship services at a nursing home for more than 2 years. Ron also served as a deacon at a Northern Virginia Baptist Church.

For 16 years, Ron has been very active in Bible Study Fellowship. Currently, Ron and Jan serve in a BSF leadership capacity and teach in the Student’s Program. Ron and Jan both taught this past summer at SBC’s Vacation Bible School. They occasionally substitute teach in the 4-5 year old children’s class at SBC.

Ron  leads our Legacy Men’s Team, and he loves to encourage men in their Christian walk.

Ron and Jan have been happily married for more than 45 years. They have three adult daughters and 11 grandchildren. Their daughter, Heather Skrivanek, is also a member of SBC. 

Lead Pastor and Elder
Clayton Reed