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Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
Here are some more, excellent ways you can bear other’s burden’s this week…
- Ask the Holy Spirit to show you people in your home group or Bible study that need a helping hand.
- Allow yourself to share your burdens. Let other’s in your life bear your burdens.
- Call the church office and ask for ways you can help others.
- Go see the church prayer list. Pray and seek people on that list out to help meet needs.
- As you learn of a person’s need, press in and ask for ways to lift the load for them. Then follow through.
- Seek out a friend, and ask for a special way to serve them by meeting a need.
- Sit. Listen. Encourage.
- Ask God for tears to share with a person you know is hurting.
…and tell them why you are doing it.