Online PARENTS of KIDS Class: School Struggles Pt. 1

Online PARENTS of KIDS Class: School Struggles Pt. 1

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As I’m writing this, I’m looking at my calendar and thinking back to when I was younger. All the due dates mixed with all nighters and the hard work that always seemed to go into my classes so I could reach my goals. And still to this day, the work that continues to go into my classes can get overwhelming. Seems like I am always working to get that higher grade and sacrificing so much to do so at times.

Yes, I have made good grades in my classes, but still it was always something that’s on the forefront of both my parents and my minds. No matter what type of student you have, we ALL are asking “Is my child learning what he/she needs to at school? What can I do to help them be a better student?”

Whether or not your child gets great grades or struggles academically we all feel the strain of helping our child succeed academically. How do we help as parents? Check out our video lesson for this month for a little parenting coaching on how to help your child do well in school.

Every child learns differently and at different paces. We often find ourselves caught in the comparison game. Make sure you know your child’s strengths and that you’ve communicated those to your child, remembering that God created us all with strengths and weaknesses. While articulating that to your child can be tough, “Hey buddy, you’re just not good at that” may not be the route you want to take. However, helping our child to this realization will help them NOT feel like a failure if they happen to receive a failing grade.

Our next post will include some more helpful tips on HOW to help your child if he/she is struggling with school.

Feel free to email us with any questions or comments and keep the conversation going: