First Responders Appreciation Day

First Responders Appreciation Day

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On Sunday, September 8th, Southlake Baptist Church will honor the brave men and women who serve and protect our city, and their families who share them with us. This is our fourth-annual First Responders Day honoring Southlake police, fire, and rescue workers, where we seek to show our appreciation and gratitude for all they do for our city.

Tragedies such as the one that occurred September 11, 2001, and even the recent events in Colorado and Wisconsin, remind us that the warriors and heroes who defend us in great tragedy are the same people who keep us safe and make our children smile everyday. All of us have seen children stop in awe at the sound of a siren and the appearance of an emergency vehicle, and we at Southlake Baptist join our children in pausing to recognize, pray for, and show gratitude to the people behind the sirens. The men and women of Southlake DPS are kind and welcoming to our citizens, and are always available when we need them, responding quickly and with wisdom and patience, sacrificing time with their families to protect and serve ours.
We would be honored if you and your family would join us for this special service. We also encourage you to invite any public safety employees and their families that you know to be honored by our church. Afterwards we will provide a free catered lunch for the first responders, as well as activities for their kids. We believe in our Southlake DPS, and want this to be a day where they feel honored and loved, and know they are prayed for as we go. Pray with us that the Lord would use this day to encourage these everyday heroes.