Disaster Relief for Moore, Oklahoma

Disaster Relief for Moore, Oklahoma

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Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Moore, Oklahoma, and our church is reaching out in the following ways help them in their time of need.
1.  We are collecting water and canned goods on Sunday morning.  We are partnering with the church next door, and they are sending up a trailer this Sunday.  If you want to bring water or canned goods, please leave in front of the 1919 Building on the southwest corner of our complex.  We will make arrangements for Abiding Grace to pick up the supplies on Sunday, and they will deliver them to needy parties next week.
2.  Our church has partnered with the Southern Baptist Convention to provide disaster relief.  Check out this video by Kevin Ezell, and he will share with you how our Convention has been engaging this significant tragedy.
If you would like to financially help the relief efforts, you can give online in our church’s offering on Sunday by designating “Oklahoma Disaster Relief” on your offering envelope or donate online at www.namb.net/disaster-relief-donations.
We are also working with partnering with the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention to provide disaster relief by serving as front-line volunteers in this, as well as other future events.  In the near future, we will work to train a number of our church members as SBTC Disaster Relief Volunteers who could potentially be deployed in a number of helpful ways when disaster strikes.  Read more about this process here:  http://sbtexas.com/dr/
Our desire is facilitate thoughtful response in these kinds of situations.  Thank you for your concern.